Ron Swatfigure
Ron Swatfigure has been in the insurance business for over 10 years and got his start as a captive agent with Farmers Insurance. After a few years of growing business and helping clients through typical Colorado weather events (such as flooding, wildfires, and hailstorms), Ron determined that he needed to offer his clients a broader range of coverage to best serve them in the long term. He then became an independent insurance agent and opened his business Sun Mountain Insurance in 2016. With the freedom of an independent broker, and his partnership with Welch Financial Planning, Ron offers his clients flexibility and affordability with coverage available through multiple insurance agencies. In his spare time, Ron enjoys being active outdoors skiing, hiking, biking, and camping with his family.
The unaffiliated financial professionals and firms listed above have been provided for informational purposes only. In such cases, our Firm does receive direct compensation in return for any referrals made to individuals or firms in our professional network. Clients must independently evaluate these firms or individuals before engaging in business with them and clients have the right to choose any financial professional to conduct business. Providing these contacts should not be construed as an endorsement of the financial professional or firm. Individuals and firms in our financial professional network may refer clients to our Firm. Our Firm does recognize the fiduciary responsibility to place your interests first and have established policies in this regard to mitigate any conflicts of interest. Investment advisory services are offered through Welch Financial Planning, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser.